Monday, November 13, 2006

Black & Tan - Not just for the bar cream. This was tonight's guilty pleasure. Oh, and then followed by a stout.

Yes, Ben & Jerry's made an ice cream with beer. Well, at least beer flavor. Stout ice cream with a swirl of dark chocolate. Two of my favorite things *drool*

Here's a diagram for the technical folks:

Monday, November 06, 2006

MySpace and Contribute v4.0


I've never been a blogger, let alone a Myspacer, or LiveJournaler, or a, a...person who shares everyday observations, but I'm going to try.


First off, check out Last Fast Action's Myspace.  Augie from LFA/The Dog and Everything wanted a more elaborate, stand alone MySpace. No thanks to Tom, but thanks to the Plain White Ts along with 400 lines of CSS, I've mastered the art of MySpace manipulation. Good times.

As for Contribute v4.0, I'm currently making this post with the new blog features. It allows me to make changes with a full WYSIWYG editor, spell check, and image tools.  I'm also evaluating it for the new version to see if we should get it at Concordia. Just when I got everyone on v3.11, now I have to go around and install everyone with 4. *sigh*

But I'm off to bed now. Cool tools that Macromedia/Adobe make. Now to see if they'll stick.