Saturday, December 08, 2007

Just another trip to Urbana...

So as usual, Tasha and I plan to take a concert road trip to The Canopy Club in Urbana, I'LL for a Last Fast Action show. Now any of you that know my luck with trips to Urbana means certain troubles are ahead. Let's take a look at the day:

10 a.m.: Matt emails everyone from work stating some problems and to review your stuff and let him know. So this means checking the website, checking my systems, and giving him a call. I inform him he can do anything he needs as I will be leaving town. To where he asks? Urbana - Didn't something go wrong? Of course they did so this means a road trip!

Needless to say, my systems were alright and Matt fixed everything as he always does. The drive was cold, long, rainy, snowy, slow, and slippery. Yes, slippery. As was the icy walk three blocks from the club to Jimmy John's. Out of seven of us, I was the only one fortunate enough to fall. No knees were hurt. I've learned the art of falling on my side when given the option of falling or dislocating my knee.

Dinner was typical fare with the band. Lots of crude jokes, funny stories, and unfortunately, fond memories of the sandwich shop we were at. Let's just leave it at Tommy and a callus.

Walked back, or should I say slid back (without falling), and now we're in the hall at the merch table listening to Company of Thieves. State and Madison was up first, and Snowsera is up next. LFA headlines, somewhere around midnight. Should be good if I can stay awake.

Probably not going to drive back. Well, I don't want to, but we'll see how the roads are. Might get a room. Otherwise it's RedBull and coffee all the way home...

So Long, Goodnight...